Why the Cinema Will Never Die

At least once a week someone asks me did I “see [program X] last night?” or if I caught “what happened on [X reality TV show]?” and every time my answer is the same: I don’t have a TV.

I’m not alone and it seems every month there are more and more people who no longer watch broadcast television, instead relying on on-demand services like Netflix to binge-watch their favourite TV shows and movies.

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It’s Oscars O’clock and the Nominations Are…

Move over Christmas, is this the most wonderful time of the year? It’s January, awards season is upon us and the 87th Academy Awards are just over a month away, which means films galore as cinemas showcase some of the best films we will surely see over the past year. Snipers, cryptanalysts, Stephen Hawking and some (Inter)stellar out of this world entertainment has made for another great year of cinema. So which movies are looking at a shiny gold statue or two this year?

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Oh, the Horror!

Horror movies have been a staple of our culture for over 100 years but when we’re constantly bombarded with ‘scary’ flicks about zombies, ghosts, demons, witches and crazed killers alike, what separates the genuinely scary from the dull, campy or downright laughable? What otherworldly creatures and evil beings actually frighten us?

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Fall 2014 TV Show Round Up

Winter is coming. (See what I did there?) Fall is almost over and our screens have been graced with more TV shows than anyone has time to watch. Except maybe those Netflix taggers (hey Netflix, wanna hire me already?) Here’s some brief reviews of those I’ve seen so far.

Another one to look out for starting this Friday is Constantine (airs Oct 24th, 10/9c on NBC). This supernatural show based on the Hellblazer comics looks creepy as hell and all kinds of demon-fighting fun. You can watch the trailer here.

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Why Selfie Isn’t A Bad Show

I love fall as much as the next person but not because of cosy sweaters, cute knits or pumpkin spice lattes (really, what is the obsession with those anyway?) I love fall because of the new and exciting plot prospects, the synopsis’ of opportunity, the potentially thrilling new worlds in which to immerse myself after a long day at work. Yes, I am a TV geek.

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